Monday, February 9, 2009


Hurray for Mondays...
Without Mondays everybody would hate Tuesdays. We spent five hours at the Cleveland Natural History Museum. It was fun but my old arthritic knees are making me aware of some issues.

The birthday boy got a dinosaurly decorated cake and a neato dinosaur book from the museum people. He really enjoyed it when everyone sang the birthday song to him. On a side note there are so many cool/nerdy items there for sale. Expensive though. Did I mention he likes dinosaurs?

My youngest is throwing a tantrum right now because he does not want to go to pre-k. He got embarrassed at school in the gross motor skills room aka the playroom. It is interesting how things get renamed with clinical sounding names. Almost New Speakish.

Well I am off to run errands and drop the offspring at school.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tomorrow is the day. My oldest son will be six years old. The party will be at the Cleveland Natural History Museum. The food will be at grandma's house. This should be fun.

I have had a couple of people complain to me about credit cards recently. Here is the best advice I can give about credit cards.

Own stock in the credit card companies. They make money and will always make money.

If you have a credit card balance pay it off ASAP.

If you don't have a 0% call the card every month and ask for a special interest rate or any interest rate reduction you can get. I had a card that went from 17% to 3% in after asking on the phone. It was great!

Once you get you card down to zero balance. Do not cancel it. It will affect your credit rating because fica scores are messed up.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Inspired by Anne Rice

Anne Rice is the world famous author who wrote "Interview With the Vampire". A vampire is a mythical human like creature that is incredibly charismatic, lives on blood, and can transform into a bat. It has a lot of hit points.
I think Anne should have written the book about a different mythical creature. I think she should have written the book about a web cam stripper working her way threw graduate school. The book could be called "Interview With the Web Cam Stripper" and the second book would be called "The Web Cam Stripper, Candi".
The movie rights would be sold off almost instantly. Instead of the handsome Brad Pitt and Antonio Banderas playing the main characters. We could have two equally ravishing actresses playing the roles. I was thinking that Salma Hayek and Angelina Jolie could play the main characters.
Yes I know that Tom Cruise was in the movie but I dont support Scientology or other harmfull cults.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I want..

I want a newer pickup truck. Smallish, like a chevy s-10. I dont need a giant 4x4. I do appreciate the funnerness of driving one though. I think I am turning into a hillbilly. I also want a tablesaw and brand new router. Before I get any of those though I need to get a job. I hate this unemployment shiat. I need sleep now.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I hope President Obama is gonna help get the US out of the crapper. That last guy left the economy and our reputation just a little banged up. It did stop snowing here and the sun is out, so I guess he's already working his magic.
I am currently looking for another job. If anyone has some leads please let me know. It is a little rough out there right now.
Veronica and I are having my oldests birthday at the natural history museum. He really loves dinosaurs and volcanoes. We figured it would be the COOLEST BIRTHDAY IN THE WORLD. He is going to be 6 years old. I am still in wonderment that I have a beautiful wife and kids. Well it's time to continue my job search.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Today was I found out that a man I used to work with had an aneurysm and died about a year ago. It is a bit of a shock and not so shocking at the same time. He was relatively young, in his fifties, but he smoked, drank coffee, and was a type "A" personality type. I liked the grouchy old man.
I just found out that the boys do not have school in the morning and they have Monday and Tuesday off. That makes 5 days off in a row. A mini vaction of sorts. I might need a higher does of my meds by the beginning of next week.
Surprisingly I already have comments and a follower of my blog. I did not think anybody would read this thing. Also I got more clicks on the Google Ads which is cool.
I do not garden organically. I use a little bit of nonorganic fertilizer in the garden, but for the most part I try to avoid them. I plan on growing the following: potatoes, tomatoes, peppers hot and sweet, cucumbers, carrots, onions, multiple herbs, radishes, turnips, and broccoli. Well thats it for now.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Today I took away the TV privileges from my kids. I was teaching time and they were not even trying to guess the right words on the cards. My oldest, who is five, was just repeating "see" over and over again. Then he had a tantrum. I love my boys but they are little getting under my skin.
I think that I will now go to McDonalds to get a cafe mocha and look for ex indy rock kids who are highfiving each other. That commercial makes me laugh. If you've ever been to a coffee house you can see it in real life.
On a side note I signed upon for Google Ads. Hence the adds at the side of blog. So far Ive made 53 cents. I am rich yo!
My youngest just ran into the computer room and tried to cut my head off with a lightsaber. They got lightsabers for Christmas. Santa Claus really knows his stuff. Now its time for me to go make lunch. The burdens of ordinary life. ...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It is January 13 in Ohio. There is about 18 inches of fresh snow in my driveway and I have vegetables on my mind. The catalogs come every other day now. I just wish it was spring already.
This year I am going to plant too much food for my family. Why? The food bank wants my extras. They take fresh produce and give it away. Now I wont be wasting any extra food.